Welcome to the AfhCollab.com website.
This site is to serve 2 primary groups of users:

- Those who are searching for a place to live. Medicaid clients are welcome, and as of the date of this writing, most of our clients are Medicaid clients. We have a network of Adult Family Homes which are licensed by the State of Washington and run by certified AFH Administrators.
- This website is also here to serve the AFH Administrators and staff that are part of the AfhCollab.com family. We will continually update the site with resources to support homes that we collaborate with. If you are interested in joining our collaboration, then please email [AfhCollab @gmail.com] with your specific inquiry. New non-exisiting AFHs are the best fit for our collaboration efforts.
Serving together, we hope to better care for the needs of our fellow Washingtonians.